"Come Play"
K. Havens


Come Play- This sculpture is by Katharine Haven, who was an art teacher at the Ensworth School in Nashville. Haven first made a small model of this sculpture and gave it to her friend Nicholas Hobbs, whose development of programs for emotionally disturbed children interested her. Professor Hobbs, founder of the John F. Kennedy Center for Research on Education and Human Development, was a Peabody College faculty member and administrator from 1951 to 1966, chair of Peabody's Psychology Department and later director of human development and guidance. He was Professor of Psychology and Provost of Vanderbilt University from 1966 to 1975. After his death in 1983, several of Professor Hobb's Peabody and Vanderbilt friends commissioned Haven to make this large sculpture. It was placed here in his memory in 1985.